Diese Woche bei den Top 5 Unity Assets – Tutorial Templates.

Wir haben für euch die Top 5 Unity Assets – Tutorial Templates zusammen gestellt.

Der Unity Asset Store beherbergt eine wachsende Bibliothek an kostenlosen und kommerziellen Assets.
Diese sind sowohl von Unity Technologies als auch von Mitgliedern der Community erstellt worden.
Es ist eine große Auswahl an Assets ist verfügbar, von Texturen, Modellen und Animationen bis hin zu ganzen Projektbeispielen, Tutorials und Editor-Erweiterungen.
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Weitere Informationen zur Veröffentlichung von Assets im Asset Store findest du hier.

Ohne groß durm herum zu reden:

Platz 5 – Facebook Instant Game Exporter

Help to make game run on Facebook Instant Game Platform both Web & Messenger.

Version changes:
Ver 1.0.8
1. Support Unity 2019.Tested with Unity 2019.1.14f1. If you are useing older verion like 2018. You no need to upgrade to this version.
2. Unity 2019 use fb-instant SDK 6.3.

Ver 1.0.7
1. API Changed(Compatible with older version):
FBInstant.PreloadRewaredVideoAd (string adId) to
FBInstant.PreloadRewaredVideoAd (string adId, System.Action onReadCallback = null)

Ver 1.0.6
1. Add API FBInstant.player.canSubscribeBotAsync
2. Add API FBInstant.player.subscribeBotAsync

Ver 1.0.5
1. Add API HTMLCanvas.GetScreenShotBase64

Platz 4 – Basic Platformer Template

This project contains everything necessary to make a platform game. You can add new functions easily or go directly to the level design. The code is simple, scalable and commented. It is well documented and the sample scene contains all the elements.

Asset features:
+ Ready for PC and Mobile.
+ Advanced Character Controller.
+ AI Monster.
+ Combat System.
+ Items.
+ Parallax.
+ 2D Camera.

Platz 3 – Learn 2D Shader Development – 01

Our games need to look unique. There’s nothing we can do to fight that. Good artists are great at creating amazing characters and environments but programmers can open a whole new world of possibilities and customization by leveraging the power of shaders.

About Foundations

This book is the first in a series of 4 books and will provide you with the basic understanding of what a shader is, why we need them, how colors are represented, how to display a texture on screen, and how to mix colors using blending modes.

About the series

In the past few years, while working on Nubarron, I got really frustrated about the lack of information on how to design shader effects in 2D. Most of the books and tutorials are about 3D, and one may thing that transfering that knowledge to 2D is easy. Well.. not really.

I found out that there is a sub-set of basic techniques that are pretty useful in 2D, and don’t require you to learn a lot of the 3D stuff, specially lighting models, the first thing that every shader tutorial/book talks about.

The series is aimed at independent game developers that want to make their own 2D games visually unique. You’ll need some understanding on programming. If you can code your own logic in C# scripts inside Unity you’re good to go.

If you haven’t coded a game in the past it’s likely that these books are not for you. I suggest you take an introductory Unity course first, work on some prototypes until you’re comfortable with programming and then read the books.

The series will help you differentiate your games from others that use nothing but built-in shaders, make use of the GPU to generate movement and effects on static sprites, generate full-screen effects and learn techniques to do illumination on 2D scenes.

Platz 2 – Racing Project Kit

Save time building up your racing game with this project which includes 3 game modes, cash system with unlockables, laps & checkpoints, menus, split-screen support and much more. It is coded in C# and scripts are commented to customize it easily and the project also includes a complete PDF documentation to start to work with it fast and customize to your own. Replace the scenarios, models, cars and mix it with this asset mechanics to save time and build up a complete racing scene.

Main Features:
-3 Game Modes:
Race Mode: Race against an opponent driven by Unity Standard Assets AI, the opponent will follow Points to follow the road, and it features a Tracker to know the current ongoing location. These points are customizable and you can use as many as you need.

Time Trial: Beat the clock on a classical time trial race, set the time limit and race. The race by default is set to 2 laps, the first one as a Warmup and the second one as a Time one where you need to beat the time limit.

Score Attack: Collect the Objects in the track to get the requested score and watch out to finish the race in time. The Score Objects can be fully customized (points, position, color, and more) also the Time Limit and the Requested Score can be changed too.

-Cash & Unlockables:
Each Game Mode gives you a $100 reward (the reward can be changed) with this money you can buy 2 additional cars, these locked options can be used to buy more cars or customize it too. The reward money you win in the race is 100% saved and it loads even if you close and open again the game. This Asset includes a scene to reset the player prefs so you can delete all the saved data like money or unlocked cars and you can add money without playing races from this scene too, for testing purposes.

-Complete Race Mechanics:
Laps Selector: Select easy and fast with 2 buttons, the laps you want in Race Mode and Split Screen Mode inside the game, also you can put a minimum and maximum of laps, by default it is 2 and 5.

Laps System: The circuit includes a Checkpoint and a Finish Line to count the laps, it is used in the 4 game modes and you can place it in different sizes or directions.

Different Race Finishes: All the finishes of different game modes are programmed, for example: Finish in 1st Position, Finish 2nd, Ran out of time, Score not reached, and more, each one with its panel and text and in the Win Finish an extra finish camera with music.

Platz 1 – 3D Game Kit

A 3D project designed for non-programmers. Whether you’re an artist, designer or anything in between, The Explorer: 3D Gamekit is an excellent way to see how this collection of gameplay elements, tools, and systems can hook up gameplay without you writing any code. We’ve created a two level 3D game example using this system for you to explore.

Discover the mysterious alien planet where our Principal Engineer, Ellen has crash landed. Avoid the hazards and defeat the enemies lurking within the ancient ruins of this unknown civilization.


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