Diese Woche bei den Top 5 Unity Assets – Physics.

Wir haben für euch die Top 5 Unity Assets – Physics zusammen gestellt.

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Ohne groß durm herum zu reden:

Platz 5 – Obi Fluid

With Obi Fluid you can create fully multi-threaded AAA quality fluid simulations with ease. Fluids react to each other, can affect and be affected by rigid bodies (even make them float or sink!), and are capable of sticking to surfaces.

Please note that fluid simulation is a very intensive task. Be aware of its performance implications before using it.

Available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

Platz 4 – Obi Rope

With Obi Rope you can create ropes in a matter of seconds, with complete control over their shape and behavior. The ropes can collide with the environment and with each other, and can be attached to rigid bodies.

New in 4.0: ObiRods and the new oriented particle technology allow you to create realistic cables that can be twisted along their length and set to remember their initial shape.

This system is NOT based on rigid bodies and joints, unlike other rope solutions. This is based on Obi particles, which makes it more lightweight, detailed, and unconditionally stable.

Platz 3 – Kinematic 2D

Kinematic 2D is a fully Kinematic (non-physics based) 2D Character controller solution that allows you to do the movement of your 2D character while handling collisions.

– It offers the functionalities the default Unity Character Controller offers and many more (steps and slopes handling, ground alignment, ground clamping, etc).
– It was designed only for two dimensional movement (2D).
– The collision detection method works with 2D and 3D colliders.
– The character body shape is a box (instead of a capsule, this is great for platformers).
– Designed with Unity’s rigidbody interpolation in mind, you can choose between three availables types of motion modes: „Transform“, „Rigidbody Non-Interpolated“ and „Rigidbody Interpolated“.
– Really good performance, (tested in desktop with 500 2D interpolated moving characters, resulting in >300 fps without Vsync).

Platz 2 – Dynamic Water Physics 2

Dynamic Water Physics 2 is a water-object interaction simulator that uses mesh data to simulate both buoyancy and hydrodynamics, making it suitable for objects of any shape or size, moving or stationary.
DWP2 is a complete rewrite from the previous version to make use of new Unity features and get even better performance.

Platz 1 – Character Movement Fundamentals

Character Movement Fundamentals is a rigidbody-based character movement system.

Put simply, it is a collection of scripts, components and prefabs that will help you quickly set up characters that can move around and react to any 3D game environment in a physically believable way.

Everything in this package is designed to be as versatile and adaptable as possible – whether you’re creating a fast-paced first-person shooter, an atmospheric third-person adventure game or a 2.5D sidescoller, this package will provide all the necessary fundamentals you need.


Das waren unsere Top 5 Unity Assets – Physics, vielleicht habt ihr ja jetzt auch das ein oder andere neue Asset.
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