Diese Woche bei den Top 5 Unity Assets – 2D Environments – 2023.

Wir haben für euch die Top 5 Unity Assets – 2D Environments – 2023 zusammen gestellt.

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Ohne groß durm herum zu reden:

Platz 5 – 2D Hand Painted – Grassland Tileset



A high-resolution tileset package in a topdown perspective.
128×128 hand painted tiles to create your grassland level. Includes cliff walls, grass, flowers, mine entrance, water, trees, bushes and more.

– Two 2048x2048px Tilesets
– Tiles in 128x128px resolution
– Waterfall and water animations (optional)
– Shadows(optional) for depth and visual interest
– Example scene included
– 3 Color & 4 season versions
– PSD with adjustment layers

Platz 4 – Hex Basic Set: Painted 2D Terrain


This is a set of lovingly hand-painted 2D terrain hex tiles suitable for an RPG overworld, a strategy game, or boardgame-like visuals.


– 13 biomes x 4 variations = 52 tiles total

– painted at 256×384 pixels so that trees, hills, and mountains can overlap the tiles behind

– 47 alpha-background decor objects like trees, rocks, and grass

– an example scene which uses Unity’s Tilemap feature

Terrain types:

– grassy plains

– forest

– water

– desert dunes

– marshland

– snow-capped mountains

– hills

– dirt

– woodland

– highland

– shrubland

– base (generic empty tiles)

– void (stars)

Platz 3 – Forest Sprite Pack


A set of high definition modular forest sprites for your game.

Now with support for the Ferr2D Terrain Tool!
– 33 Terrains set up for usage;
– A Playable scene showcasing the use of the Ferr2D Plugin and the terrains in the package.

Forest Sprite Pack is perfect for HD sidescrollers and platformers.Create countless forest scenarios and levels by combining a selection of hand painted sprites that blend together to form singular terrains.


This package consists of:
– Twenty six 4K spritesheets;
– More than 300 high quality hand painted sprites;
– 25 Interactable Objects with behavior scripts and animations setup.
– 37 Tree sprites;
– 21 Rock sprites;
– 27 Terrain sprites;
– 86 Vegetation sprites;
– 26 Background and foreground sprites.
– 50 Pre-made Background sprites for orthographic parallaxing, friendly for mobile;
– 4 Playable scenes.
All sprites are modular, so they can be mixed and matched to form virtually infinite scenarios with minimal repetition and memory requirements.
Check the Demo Scenes for examples of how to use these assets.

Platz 2 – 2D Isometric Tile Starter Pack


With this tile set, consisting of over 300 unique sprites, you’ll have all you need to start building isometric worlds for your games.

2D Isometric Tile Starter Pack


This set consists of over 300 unique tiles.

With this 2D package, you have all you need to start building isometric worlds for your games.

This tileset contains a big collection of assets: bricks, dirt, mud, leafs, grass, lava, sand, skin and flesh, snow, ice, water, wood, hay roof, fence and a path. With many more to come and compatible expansion packs.

The tiles are not seamless by design and style choice.


Have questions prior to purchase or need support?

Join the active support Discord Server: discord.gg/vYEhX5f


Update 1.3 (2021) adds ~70 new tiles, brand new AutoTiles, animated water, support for Unity’s Isometric Tilemap, a Tile Palette, example maps how I would build stuff, bonus content such as a very simple character script to test movement, sorting and collision, import settings and more.

Update 1.2 brings over 140 new Tiles such as shores, more transition tiles, a new stone wall, wood variations, a water block and much more.

Update 1.1 there are now lava tiles, various brick tiles, snow tiles, crack overlays and more.

The isometric grid is 1:2 with a resolution of 128px to Units (128*64px grid). Most tiles come in 148*164 resolution.

Technical Details

To ensure proper sorting in tilemaps, go to: EditProjectSettingsGraphicsCameraSettingsTransparencySortModeCustom Axis)X:0, Y:1, Z:-0.46)

The autotile feature requires Unity’s 2D Extras to work: github.com/Unity-Technologies/2d-extras

Set-up Guide

Step-by-Step Tutorial how to set-up 2D Tilemaps + 2D Extras:



Check out our publisher page for more packages with much more to come!


Platz 1 – 2D Art Pack


This pack was developed for the creation 2D games such as platformers, shooter or endless runners. Package contains about 90 sprites of platforms, addons, background elements.

Mechanics of the project is based on Unity 2D Platformer


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Works fine on mobil…

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