Diese Woche bei den Top 5 Unity Assets – Templates Packs – 2023.
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Platz 5 – Car Setup For PlayMaker
Requires PlayMaker plugin! Features made 100% in PlayMaker, no scripting!
-> U5 Demo v1.4.1 / U4.3 Demo v1.2
-> [Pc, Mac, Linux] / Android apk
Use this setup to make your own racing, drifting, stunt or other games.
Commented FSMs + documentation.
– Car Controller
– Camera Controller (with collision)
– Dashboard
– Keyboard/Touch input
– Race Mode
– AI Racer
– Fuel system
– Nitro
– Oil Spill
– Coin collect
– Open/close doors and trunk
– Car lights and indicators
– Car wheel animations/reactions
– Skid marks
– Basic dust particle effect
Scene included
Forums: PlayMaker / Unity
– Simple Town car prefabs*
– 1Poly car (3) prefabs*
*works if you have these assets
NOTE: When importing in existing project always make a Backup of your files first! Originalbeschreibung: This template is ready for release. It is optimized for mobile (iOS iPhone and iPad, Android, Windows Mobile) standalone (Windows PC and Mac OSX), web player, webGL, and tvOS (Apple TV). Clean, simple and easy to understand fully commented and documented C# code. This pack includes: – Full game ready to use. This pack is ready to use and compatible with: ✪ Leaderboard (iOS Game Center and Android Google Play Game Service): this game is compatible with Very Simple Leaderboard. Get it here: Very Simple Leaderboard, and import it to your project and you will ready to use leaderboard in a minute! (Work with Dotween Free and Pro. Dotween is free and available on the Asset Store) (All features work in Unity and Unity Pro – demo scenes included!) Originalbeschreibung: aa is a complete multiplatform 2D game with 1200 levels This template is ready for release. It is optimized for mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile) standalone (Windows PC and Mac OSX), web player and webGL. How to play? Clean, simple and easy to understand fully commented C# code This pack includes: ✪ Full game ready to use. (Work with Dotween Free and Pro. Dotween is free and available on the Asset Store) (All features work in Unity and Unity Pro – demo scenes included!) Originalbeschreibung: Most complete multiplayer first-person shooter kit. MFPS 2.0 is an advanced multiplayer first-person shooter game kit to help kickstart the development of your own online multiplayer First Person Shooter (FPS) game. this template includes all the basics and tons of advanced systems and features that all multiplayer shooters require; this game framework is very polished, utilizing the latest Unity game engine technologies with high efficiency and performance, including a professional UI using full UGUI, player Mecanim animations, and plenty of options to customize to your taste and needs. Utilizing Photon PUN 2 as the network framework solution, you have three different game modes in the core of the kit: Free for All, Team Death Match, and Capture the Flag. Additionally, there are four player classes that you can modify to your taste and seven different kinds of weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade, Launcher, and Knife. This kit comes with graphics-ready and is very easy to customize and reskin even for beginner developers; the built-in editor tutorials and documentation, plus the complete source C# code, make this kit one of the world’s best online multiplayer development assets available right now. | Discord | Forum | Get Started Video | Roadmap | Why MFPS? This is your best option if you want an advanced and professional multiplayer FPS template with a wide range of basic and advanced features at an affordable price; in addition to the large number of features that the core kit comes with, a large number of extensions/addons are also available to integrate and create a next-gen multiplayer FPS, while there are other kits around, none of them compare to MFPS, starting with the number of features available in MFPS (both core and extensions), some of of the other options concentrate only on the FPS systems and do not count with multiplayer or have a poor multiplayer implementation, and the kits that focus on multiplayer just have a few basic features with pretty bad gameplay and UI, which make you start with a 25% – 30% base game at most, with MFPS you start with a 80% ready game, the template has been in development for more than 7 years now with an optimized and clean code and implacable multiplayer implementation that has not just been tested by hundred of other developers but also in many released games made with this kit that had been played by millions of players around the work in many platforms. Feature List: 3 Game modes: Team Deathmatch, Free For All, and Capture of Flag, and 4 more optional: Demolition, Elimination, Cover Point, and Gun Race. Player team system. Shooter AI (Bots). New Party with bots and real players, all sync over the network. New Photon Offline Support. Build-In Editor tutorials for Add Weapons, Add Maps, Replace Players, and Bots Models. Team Voice chat. Start Countdown. Private and Public matches. Anti-Cheat Toolkit Integration. Player Classes, 4 kinds of players classes with different load-outs (Assault, Engineer, Support, Recon) 8 different types of weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade, Molotov, Grenade Launcher, and Knife. Advanced weapon system. Slide, Jump, Crouch, and Run player movement. Procedural weapon movement. Advance player synchronization with interpolation, extrapolation, and lag compensation. Friend List. Pre-Match Lobby. Damage Indicator. Lobby chat Team selection and Auto-Team selection Kick Votation System. Foot IK placement. Fire types (Auto, Single, and Semi-Automatic) precise synchronization of bullets and positions Fall Damage. Player room kick Server statistics, total players, total rooms, ping Post-Processing Stack V2. Health regeneration option KillFeed Corner (WhoKilledWho) Scoreboard Room time limit Items Drop System. Ladder System IK hand position Headshot detection. Bullet trail option. Jump Platforms. AFK detection. Max Kill room limit Start Loading Screen. Asynchronous Data Loading. weapon Fov option in playtime Max allowed player ping to join in a room Draw Name Above Head. Player footstep. Object Pooling system. Graphic menu settings Multiplayer in-room chat Smooth weapon Movements when is running Weapon pick up the system over a network Throw gun after death Ammo and medic kit throwing Kill Camera. Network stats. Teammate health bar UI. UGUI Crosshair Advance Heat look with IK support Animated Hit marker Spawn hand effect indicator Friendly fire options Switch team in mid-room Push to talk or auto voice detection. Graphic Graphic menu settings High performance. Build-In Editor Documentation. Full C# clean code Available Add-ons -Mobile Controller. -Third-person view. -Multiplayer vehicle. -Login System. -Shop System. -Level System. -Clan System. -Kill Streaks. -Localization. -MiniMap -Class Customization. -Weapon Customization. -Kill Streak Notifier -Player Selector. -Input Manager. -Unity IAP for Shop System. -Weapon Pack #1. -Compass Bar. -Cover Point (GameMode). -Bomb Defuse (GameMode). -Gun Race (GameMode). Originalbeschreibung: Best Multiplayer first-person shooter game template optimized for mobile devices. MFPS Mobile is a specialized version of the popular MFPS 2.0 multiplayer first-person game template, optimized for seamless performance on mobile devices. It features a specialized mobile input control system, making it a convenient and efficient choice for developers targeting mobile platforms. With MFPS Mobile, you can save a significant amount of time and effort in comparison to developing a mobile version of the game from scratch. This template includes all of the features and systems of the original MFPS 2.0, and is optimized to provide a smooth and immersive gaming experience on mobile devices. | Discord | APK Demo | Get Started Video | Roadmap | What is MFPS? MFPS is an advanced multiplayer first-person shooter game template that provides a comprehensive framework to help developers kickstart the creation of their own online multiplayer FPS game. This template includes all the essential features and systems that are commonly found in multiplayer shooters, as well as a wide range of advanced options and customization capabilities. The game framework is highly polished, utilizing the latest Unity game engine technologies for optimal efficiency and performance. It features a professional UI using Unity’s UGUI, player Mecanim animations, and a wide range of options for customizing the game to your specific needs and preferences. The template utilizes Photon PUN 2 as its network framework solution, providing three different game modes: Free for All, Team Death Match, and Capture the Flag. Additionally, the template includes four player classes that can be modified to your liking, as well as seven different weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade, Launcher, and Knife. The kit comes with graphics-ready assets and is very easy to customize and reskin, making it accessible even for beginner developers. The built-in editor tutorials and documentation, as well as the complete source C# code, make this kit one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly online multiplayer development assets available on the market today. Why choose MFPS? If you’re looking for an advanced and professional multiplayer FPS template that offers a wide range of basic and advanced features at an affordable price, MFPS is your best option. The core kit comes with an extensive number of features, and many extensions and add-ons are also available to integrate and create a next-gen multiplayer FPS. While there are other game kits available, none of them compare to MFPS in terms of the number of features, both core and extensions. Some other options only focus on FPS systems and lack a proper multiplayer implementation, while others that focus on multiplayer have limited basic features and poor gameplay and UI. With MFPS, you’ll start with an 80% ready game, as the template has been in development for over 7 years, and has been optimized for clean code and flawless multiplayer implementation. It has been tested by hundreds of other developers and has been used in many released games that have been played by millions of players worldwide on multiple platforms.
Platz 4 – Gravity Ball + 2D Dynamic Lights and Shadows
It is an one touch arcade game and modern high speed infinite runner.
It’s a procedural game.
Easy to understand, perfect to learn.
– Input touch controller for mobile
– Input touch controller for tv OS (Unity 5.3.1+ only)
– Mouse input controller for web and desktop (mac and windows).
– Procedural infinite level generation
– Spawn pool system (quick and easy object pooling script. This poolManager is made to be as simple to use and setup as making a new game object)
– 2D dynamic light and shadow system optimized for mobile. You can easily use the 2D dynamic light and shadow system it in other projects and put multiples lights and shadows in the same scene
– Universal rating popup system („Rate Us“) using unity uGUI
– Color Manager to switch background and environment
– Score Manager
– 2D camera system with shake
– Particle system effects
– Music and sound FX
✪ Social sharing: Today we know many apps and games which provide general sharing of screenshots, of messages, scores, promotional images and much more. Very Simple Share do it for you. Get it here: Very Simple Share.
✪ GIF sharing with Very Simple Gif
: this game is compatible Very Simple Gif
.Get it here: Very Simple Gif
import it to your project and you will ready to record your screen and share GIF from this record !
✪ Rating System with a bad reviews protection guarantee? Try Very Simple Rate Us. Get it here: Very Simple Rate Us. ✪ ADS (banner, static full screen interstitial, video ads, rewarded video) with Very Simple Ads: this game is compatible with Very Simple Ads. Get it here: Very Simple Ads, import it to your project and you will ready to monetize your game in a minute!
Platz 3 – aa – Complete Game Template With 1200 levels
Just click or tap at any screen position to shoot the dot, and don’t touch the dots on the circle. You can also play the game on consoles.
✪ Level manager.
✪ Spawn pool system (quick and easy object pooling script. This poolManager is made to be as simple to use and setup as making a new game object).
✪ Intro menu and in game UI system (using the new Unity UI) include and usable in other games.
✪ Sounds (FX and music) are free to use.
✪ Easy level generator to generate infinite level numbers.
✪ Input Touch and Mouse Input controller using event delegates for mobiles (Apple’s iPhone, iPad, iPad Pro, Android Phone, Android Tablet, Windows Phone, Mac OS X, windows PC).
✪ Animated icons and menu, and animated level transitions (via script).
Platz 2 – MFPS 2.0: Multiplayer FPS
Platz 1 – MFPS Mobile
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